Dr. Luciana passeri
Peru 2025 - Private Group
Experiential journeys are perhaps the most powerful things we as humans can engage in to connect at our deepest depths to ourselves, others, and the planet. Congratulations on saying YES to embracing ambiguity as you embark on this adventure and lean in to your willingness to expand. If the payment links below don't work for you, click the "SHOP" button under JOURNEYS and check out in the journey store.
Please read "The Scoop" before paying your down payment; $500 is not refundable.
Payment Due
Payment of $1345 is due on or before April 15, 2025, please put a reminder in your calendar to ensure your payment doesn't arrive late.
Final Payment Due
Payment of $440 due on or before April 1st. Please put a reminder in your calendar to ensure your payment is not late. :) See you SOON!